“You never really understand a person until you consider
things from his point of view- until you climb into his skin and walk around in
Okay, I’m going to be honest from the outset, I am the Not
For Profit Queen (if ever there was one!) What nails it for me is seeing those
that are vulnerable thrive, and showing others a pathway to social
responsibility. One of my earliest memories is from when I was six years old,
and a boy in a wheelchair enrolled at our school. I was deeply troubled after
his first day, my childish brain wondering how he’d navigate all the stairs. I mentally
put on these boys shoes as a 6 year old, walked around in them and decided to
act. I spoke with my teacher, demanding reassurance that this new student would
be given the same access to the buildings in the school as anyone else. Back then I thought it was just about access
to buildings – now I know it’s access to opportunities, regardless of the
opposing giant.
My journey to the world of charities has not been
traditional. I’m a registered nurse, and my husband and I have our own
business. I’ve ran as a candidate in the last Federal election, I’m a local councilor
in my municipality and, at the time of writing this article, I am the Tasmanian
State Manager for Special Olympics, Founding Director of Brave Foundation and ambassador
for the Small Steps program (accommodation and support for teen parents), past
Mother of the Year for Australia among many other philanthropic ventures.
We have all heard the saying ‘talk is cheap’, and in regards
to social responsibility it is. It’s one thing to think about helping someone,
or talk about doing good, but it doesn’t make any difference until we do
something about it. And putting talk into action makes you feel better too! Your
heart will be moved. You may feel awkward, but alive, and you’ll feel better
for it.
2014 is a time of social revolution in our communities and
it starts in you and your workplace.
Earlier this year I met with our lawyer for Brave Foundation.
We have gone over and above our fundraising goals for the past year and I was
telling him about the growth of our charity. It was a great meeting.
My lawyer said to me that this is why he chose to practice
law with NFPs, sure he could earn more money elsewhere, but this is changing
He then shared a story about a client of his who owned a
pizza shop in suburban Melbourne. A homeless man used to spend his time out the
front of the shop.
On this particular day the shop owner knew he couldn’t just ignore
this homeless man again. He did something new, put an action to his thoughts
and made this gentleman a healthy pizza. The homeless man was incredibly
grateful and said didn’t know the last time he’d had a hot meal in a clean
container. Imagine that: the simple gift of a hot, clean meal.
The following day, the pizza shop owner was out the back of
his shop. He heard the tingle of his tip jar out the front of his shop. His
immediate thought was that someone was stealing his tips. He went to the front
of he store and saw the homeless man emptying a pocket full of change that he
had collected from people or found into the shop’s tip jar.
The pizza man got onto our lawyer and is now starting up a
charity – making homeless people healthy pizzas.
Sir Winston Churchill said, “we make a living by what we get,
but we make a life by what we give”.
So back to my classmate in preps, yes the school did make
plans to help him and added ramps. I knew right then and there in my heart that
I wanted to help people.
Action it. You are creating the world I want to live in. Go
get messy – it’s worth it.
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